Bug Out Fitness

A bug out scenario isn’t the time to be huffing and puffing and lagging behind because you’re not physically prepared...

Bug out bag weight

One important thing to know before you bug out is how much your bug out bag should weigh. Most people lean toward the...

Portable Fuel

Portable Fuel

When you look at all the calamities that have taken place in the world, you can see that there were people who struggled with the basic needs for survival. Many of these people had no way to cook their food because they didn’t prepare ahead of...

Bug Out Shelter

Bug Out Shelter

Most preppers know that when it comes to bugging out, you have to have the basic supplies in order to survive. Those supplies are food, water and shelter. You have to have shelter from the elements to protect yourself from cold, wind, rain, and...

Water Filtration

Water Filtration

For many people, clean water has never really been a concern that you think about on a regular basis. Most people get their water from the tap or from bottled water, which usually means it’s safe to drink. In a bugout situation, you can’t carry...

Prepper Lifestyle

Living a prepper lifestyle is not only good for preparing for the future, but it’s a great way to live a less...

Survival Camp Planning

Survival camp is a place that you can set up that will allow you to stay safe and wait out any disastrous event. In...