Bug Out Fitness

Bug Out Fitness

A bug out scenario isn’t the time to be huffing and puffing and lagging behind because you’re not physically prepared for the demand on your body. The time to get ready for the strength that you’re going to need is before you’re called on to need...

Bug out bag weight

Bug out bag weight

One important thing to know before you bug out is how much your bug out bag should weigh. Most people lean toward the “more is better” type of thinking when it comes to supplies, but in this case it could mean you get slowed down and put in danger....

No Multitask

No Multitask

The SHTF and it’s time for you to get out and get to safety. In a bug out situation, most preppers concentrate on just getting out and away from anything dangerous. Survival is foremost on their mind. They’re alert to everything that’s going on...

Don’t draw Attention

Don’t draw Attention

When you’re bugging out, you’re not going to be by yourself or your family. There are going to be scores of people out and about as you’re trying to make it to your bug out location. As time passes, though, these masses start to thin out and your...

Bug Out Partner

Bug Out Partner

There have been times of chaos in the world in the past that have suddenly uprooted people from their normal way of life. When the SHTF, you have to bug out if you want to survive. But the people you choose to bug out with matter. Your survival...

Silent Bug out Bag

Silent Bug out Bag

If you’ve ever noticed, most stories about thieves tell a tale of people who are sneaking around, trying to be quiet and unnoticed while they get what they want and make a clean getaway. That’s because the thief knows that making sounds attract...

What is Bugging Out?

What is Bugging Out?

When you hear the term “bugging out,” most people immediately picture getting out of the area in their vehicle so that they can get to their prearranged meet up site. But bugging out isn’t something that can encapsulate every single situation in a...